Sabtu, 06 Februari 2016

Tugas 3 Softskill

Pembelajaran Bhs. Inggris Berbantuan Komputer

Name  : Tania Simbar K
NPM    : 17612289
Class    : 4SA01

NPM   : 17612289
No. 2 type A
If baby geese is hatched in the absence of theirmother, they  will follow the first    
                        A                                           B                  C           D
moving object they see.
Answer: A (is)
-          Are
No.8 Type B
Mary had to balanced her account very carefullybecause she had only                     
             A                                  B                             C                       
little money.
Answer: A (balanced)
-          Balance
No. 9 Type C
He isn’t driving  to the convention in March, and neither they are.
    A              B                                      C                        D
Answer: C (in March)
-          On March

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