Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

Writing Advertising language(copywriting-softskill)

Name : Tania Simbar Kancana
NPM   : 17612289
Group: Tania Simbar Kancana
               Nina nova .A
               Vitaloka ayudya .D

1.      STACKING :
1.)    Oral B
Recommended by dentist because Oral B brush teeth no.1 in world
2.)    Sensodyne
Has evidently be able for less felt pain to teeth
3.)    Sunsilk
Load many hair expert and be able overcome hair problem

2.      Repetititon:
1.)    Lifebuoy
So introduce on heart many people
2.)    Pepsodent
Because this product have money cheapy

3.      Slogan:
1.)    Oat Milk
Sweetie heart until this now
2.)    HiLo
That’s grow upon no sideways

4.      Logo:
1.)    Bakmi GM
This logo is GM , 5655007 just call if you want reserved or booking, we will sending to you

2.)    Aqua
This product uses some logo on the bottle.
5.      Snob Appeal:
1.)    Simpaty
it’s my life style
2.)    Okezone.com
News view up to date and make new life style for us

6.      Cause and Effect:
1.)    Easy
Washing increasing easy
2.)    Sensitive Expert
Teeth felt pain after used to this product and try drink or eat ice no pain again

7.      Emotional Appeal:
1.)    Nu Green Tea
Making felt staid after drinking this product
2.)    Fruitamin
Making felt fresh, after feel thirsty

8.      Price Appeal:
1.)    Daiia
Buy one daiia get one beautiful plate free
2.)    Nasional Chili
Buy one get ne beautiful bowl free

9.      Testimonial:
1.)    Tjefuk
After making this product, maked my face become be white and bright
2.)    Sampoo Dove
Yesterday I  not want used to dove, but after try I want use to always, because I believe to dove making my hair so strong and soft
10.  Sex Appeal:
1.)    Care And Lovely
Blessing you and care and lovely making me attractiveness
2.)    Veet
That beautiful free body hair

11.  Bandwagon:
1.)     Ipad
If you not apply this product you will era remainder and unknowingly everything
2.)    Jupiter Z and MX
This advertisement said if you not apply this product more and more remainder
12.  Confusion:
1.)    Hit
The very expensive many, but the very good is number 1 is Hit
2.)    Harpic
You want new toilet apply to Harpic
13.  Technical Jargon:
1.)    Herbal Essence
This product making name unique , and this  product  not appropriate with material, because this mean is same with gists

2.)    Enzyme
This product having name enzyme the mean is enzim or spittle, and not appropriate with material this product

14.  Transfers :
1.)    BNN
This society advertisement the sponsored by BNN
2.)    BKKB
This society advertisement the sponsored by BKKB

15. Name Calling :
            1.) Lifeboy
                        Because that product always advertiser in any where until that product be famous and favorable more than any product.
            2.) Detol
                        Because that product try to make that product be famous and favourable with always showing the fact.

16.  Plain Folks :
            1.)  Dove
                        Because someone who has tried that product said, she so satisfaction with the product, and make the viewers belive with her.
            2.) Clear
                        Because some actrees said, “I don’t say it if didn’t with fact. Do you?” so, she can be the viewers to make that product.

17. Glittering Generality:
            1.) Lux
                        Because that product make a glitter on the product and show the jewelry for the viewers exaited.
            2.) Garnier
                        Because some actrees or some people like viewers has tried that product make his or her face became lighting like jewelry. That actrees said, “your face would be shine.”
18. Avante Garde:
            1.) Ford Focus
                        Because the car is so modern like on the future, but we can get it now. That product tell us about the advantages of the car. They said, “Imagine if your car can be parking automated, have a Active Cuty Stop who can themselves automatically brake if another car in front of you stoped suddenly, also you can call everyone just with say the name. So they tell us is this product more than smart.
            2.) Toyota Fun Vii
                        Because this car have the features a touch screen on the outside of the body. You can change the wallpaper on the outside of  the body car any way you want. This car also can recognize the owner ,and have a smart phone running system. So they try to introduce a modern car.

19. Fact and Figures:
            1.) Ponds
                        Because that product tell us about if she use that product would produce a satisfying thing after one weeks.
            2.) Rexona
                        Because that product tell us about if she use that product would be endure until ten hours.

20. Weasel word :
The example are Ponds age miracle and Jescool.
1.) Ponds age miracle
Because in this advertisement has said that our face will appear 10 years younger. So, This means its product just makes to look younger not really younger. Its product doesn’t guarantee will look really 10 years younger.
2.) Jescool
Because in this advertisement has said that sore throat will become cool. So, this means its product doesn’t guarantee will get 100% recorvery. Because he just say “sore throat will become cool not recover.

21. Magic ingredient:
            The example are Molto 1x Bilas and Magic Plus.
1.) Molto 1x bilas
                   Because in this advertisement has said that after washing, put some clothes to water which is mixed molto 1x bilas and then lost foam instantly.
2.) Magic Plus
                  Because in this advertisement has explained that if we rub cream of         magic plus to face therefore a minute our face to become shinee white.

22. Patriotism:
The example are Indomie and Maspion.

1.)    Indomie
Because in this advertisement has explained by him soundtrack of indomie’s advertisement. In the soundtrack has mentioned some indonesia’s island. Like this piece of soundtrack “from sabang until merauke”.
2.)    Maspion
Because in this advertisement has said that we in order to  love indonesian product. He said “Love! Indonesian product.” With buy this product.

23. Briberry:
            The example are Daia 1 kg and Kispray Sachet.
1.)    Daia 1 kg
Because in this advertisement has said that if we buy Daia 1 kg therefore we will get a free bowl.
2.)    Kispray Sachet
Because in this advertisement has said that if we buy 2 kispray sachet then we will get a free kispray fabric conditioner.

24. Wit and Humour:
            The example are Lays and Crunch.
1.)    Lays
Because in this advertisement has showed the women while in the car then she sees a man who is eating lays. Then when the man has be gone. The women follows him until to drive be speeding  a car to take Lays. Actually it is not conect with its product.
2.)    Crunch
Because in this advertisement has showed when male is mirroring. Suddenly in the  car there are female who is open window of car. All of people was surprised. At the time, male feels very shy. Then he in order to  eat crunch for make fun.

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